2010年5月22日 星期六





不過雖說經營食店難,但漏夜趕科場的人仍然不斷。最後的試菜局也特別多,有一天,認識一位用心的廚子Jareth。他開了一間小店子,只得十來個座位,就開在黃泥涌道口,3C會對面的唐樓上。名字特別,叫連粵日﹝禮頓道2A號2樓 2808 0309﹞,意思就是食物能叫人「年月日再三回味」。叫他為何開店,他的答案很簡單,就是他喜歡煮,也喜歡分享,用好材料做好菜,將朋友吃過都讚不絕口的菜色做出來給客人吃。





2010年5月20日 星期四

About KC ~ by HK Magazine

有關KC的一個雜誌訪問,撰自HK Magazine。

Gourmet KC
May 21st, 2010

The most prolific blogger on food review site Openrice, Gourmet KC (pictured anonymously above) has written over 5,000 articles on the different restaurants in the city. He talks to Carson Chow about his goal to review every restaurant in town.

HK Magazine: Are you trying to review every restaurant in Hong Kong or something?

Gourmet KC: I don’t have a mission statement that says: “I’d like to eat at every restaurant in Hong Kong.” But I try not to go back to the same place, no matter how good it is. I have to explore new places to eat every day. I can say that because of the way I eat, I am pretty confident that I will one day cover every place in Hong Kong. It’s just a matter of time.

HK: What qualifies you to write reviews of Hong Kong’s restaurants?

KC: I don’t write about anything unless I understand it. For example, I have reviewed Japanese ramen in Hong Kong, but only after having been to Japan and seen how the Japanese make it. That’s a required thing for me to do before I can review something fairly. That’s why I don’t talk about wine.

HK: How many times a week do you eat out?

KC: Sixteen times, including breakfast. I usually go out to eat at breakfast time. Contrary to what you might think, I don’t go out that much at night, because I like to eat dinner at home with my family.

HK: Do you worry about your health or your weight, eating out at so many restaurants?

KC: To be honest, I actually do worry. That’s why I am a marathon runner and I run four times a week. I think it is important to be able to balance eating and exercise. You can read from my reviews that I don’t like the idea of overeating. I want to promote a lifestyle of eating healthily.

HK: Openrice is becoming very influential in the restaurant world. Do you think that other users or online reviewers take it seriously enough?

KC: Some people just desperately want to show everyone that they are food experts. Of course, I am not a professional critic, but we have to be responsible for what we post online. I don’t think it’s fair to judge something when we don’t even know what good food is.

HK: What do the other reviewers think of you? Is there a community there?

KC: Whenever I write my reviews, I tend to be very detail-oriented and consistent with my approach. It’s a kind of vanity that gets me into trouble a lot but that’s my attitude towards food. I like to give a well-rounded critique, pointing out what’s good and what’s not so good at the same time. I definitely think there’s a community at Openrice, and it’s a growing one too. I couldn’t say I have achieved anything, but if my reviews could affect how others eat, then that’s something I’ve done for people. That’s my motivation to share with the whole world what I have eaten.

HK: Is there any dish or ingredient that you don’t eat?

KC: Salmon sashimi. Salmon isn’t even from Japan originally! Japanese don’t eat raw salmon and they definitely don’t prepare it that way. I tend to stay away from it. But otherwise, I eat basically everything.

HK: What would you eat for your very last meal on earth?

KC: That’s easy—Chinese food! It’s not really about the kind of food I would eat, but who I would eat it with. I like eating with people, and I think it’s more important than the food itself. I want to eat my last meal with my family, and we always have Chinese food together, such as dim sum or BBQ pork.


2010年5月4日 星期二






很多朋友吃拉麵總拘泥於配料,但在我而言,著重的只有湯底,因為那才是真功夫所在。我獨愛鹽味湯底,沒得花巧,要做得好,必要有真材實料及上佳的火侯。在香港,及格的就只有函館元祖北海道拉麵(鰂魚涌海光街11號地下B舖 2562 8706)。店子以前在華蘭路那邊,幾年前才搬了過這邊。日前才去吃過,湯頭熱,味道清鮮潤美。所以每吃來這裡吃麵,麵未吃已喝了小半碗湯,麵吃完時,碗底必見天,湯已全喝光。麵是用上札幌西山麵,跟交易廣場的姊妹店札幌是一樣的。水準雖然是比舊店時下降了一點,但仍然是全港最好的鹽味湯。


2010年5月2日 星期日







幸好還有九節蝦,在許照記拿了一斤,價錢是68元。拿去麗群軒(流浮山山東街10號 2472 4121)找群姐,統統白灼上檯。九節蝦雖然不大隻,但吃起來味道鮮美,肉質爽甜,是任何蝦也不能相比。加上不能放養,所以見到的多是鮮活的,不要錯過。再加個豉油王炒麵,這裡的廚房,炒粉麵飯也都有一手的,知道的人不多。



